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Wholesale Mini Animals Umbrella

Our Price: $7.50

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Red Giraffe
Gray Cheetah
Brown Leopard
Wild Cats
Mix Colors

Select from four fun animal prints with the Wholesale Mini Animals Umbrella: wild cats, gray cheetah, red giraffe, and brown leopard. Designed with your comfort and convenience in mind, this stylist umbrella folds down to a mere 7 inches and includes a soft but durable cord wrist handle to prevent slippage. Its handle is rubberized with aluminum and its frame is aluminum shaft and ribs. Its arc measures 42 inches across when fully extended, and it opens manually. Its six paneled canopy is made of 100% polyester and it comes with a matching FREE cloth case. This umbrella is available in assorted color or single color packing.

  • Size: 42" ARC
  • Closed: approximately 7" in length
  • Manual open
  • Rubberized w/ Aluminum Handle
  • Aluminum shaft & ribs, 6 panels
  • 100% polyester pongee canopy w/ cloth case,
  • Assorted color packing or 1 color packing
  • Available designs: Wild Cats, Gray Cheetah, Red Giraffe, & Brown Leopard